
Showing posts from June, 2021

Oh oh oh for the love of a ukulele

It took me three years to sit down and really learn ukulele. And it wasn't easy. Not because uke is hard to learn or play, but because I mostly played guitar and learning the new chord progressions for songs I already knew, well, that was difficult. Because the songs I knew on guitar didn't live in my head next door to the words, they lived in my hand. And using the ukulele chords was like using a different set of streets to get to my friend's house. And ukulele is soooooo small. It's a clown car of strings tied to wood, and for grown-up hands a soprano ukulele is a crowded little driver's seat with no head-room. It was precisely because it was small and could fit into my backpack next to my camera that I even packed the thing as I was flying from Connecticut to Florida for a weeklong playwright residency, which is fun, but can be lonely when you are not in rehearsal and in a strange city.  And this residency ended up being extra stressful and lonely for me when I d...